Month: January 2017

January 23, 2017 3lain3_F0L37

Taking the first step can be daunting.  As an Emotional Health Coach, I can help you take those first steps (and many more) to reach your goals. Helping you find your inner spark, your motivation that will keep you going. Helping you explore who you really are, who you want to be, help you gain…

January 19, 2017 3lain3_F0L37

Two very powerful emotions attached to emotional eating & weight gain are guilt and shame. EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping, can help people to shift these strong emotions, setting them free to enjoy food, enjoy life, be happy & move forward! Could powerful emotions such as guilt & shame be keeping people in…

January 13, 2017 3lain3_F0L37

Emotional eating is a behavioural pattern that can be reversed & healed by using EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping.   Working with an EFT practitioner can help to identify the root cause of specific habits such as: succumbing to cravings, eating to avoid certain unpleasant feelings such as low self esteem, stress or…