Energy EFT Heart & Soul Protocol

The EFT Heart & Soul Protocol
Check in with your stress levels & do 3 rounds to de-stress first using a word(s) that resonate your feelings i.e. de-stress, relax, let go, calm, peace.
Check in again to feel clearly what it is you want to work on & rate your emotion/feeling/pain on the SUE scale (Subjective Units of Experience number scale above).
Your aim is to tap to move yourself up the minus side of the scale to 0 using your setup phrase & then to replace it with a positive to move yourself up to the plus side of the scale.
- Assume Heart Healing Posture (one palm on top of the other, where you would point to yourself on your chest) & take three deep breaths, in & out.
- Say the set up statement (words, emotions, colours, body parts, feelings that resonate with how & where or what you’re feeling) after each exhale.
- Start tapping/ touching/massaging the Top of the Head. Inhale as you tap & as you exhale say your “setup phrase”.
- Continue in the same way to the Third Eye point & all following points, breathing normally in between points.
- Top of the Eyebrow
- Corner of the Eye
- Under Eye
- Under Nose
- Under Mouth
- Under Collarbone
- Thumb – where the skin meets the nail on each finger
- Index Finger
- Middle Finger
- Ring Finger
- Little Finger
- Karate Chop – soft pad on outside of your hand
- Return to the Heart Healing Posture for a moment of silent reflection.
- Take three deep breaths, in & out.
This completes one round of EFT Heart & Soul.
The EFT Heart & Soul Protocol - © Dr Silvia Hartmann 2012