What a powerful video ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day tomorrow Saturday September 10th! VIDEO: ‘Suicide notes talk too late’ – a powerful video encourages men to speak about their mental health ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th https://www.facebook.com/irishtimes/videos/10153958436441158/
Author: 3lain3_F0L37
15 Common Signs of Stress that we ignore & 15 benefits from reducing stress that we don’t realise! 15 Common Signs of Stress: 1. Sleep issues – trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up frequently 2. Stomach upset – knot in stomach, constipation, diarrhoea 3. Headache / tension headaches 4. Muscle tension or pain…
Feeling stressed, burnt out or overwhelmed? Like many others, you may be struggling to meet all the demands in life. Perhaps you work in a job that is extremely challenging or stressful? Do you dread going into work and end up with a knot in your stomach or get tension headaches or migraines? Maybe you’re…
Happy Tuesday everyone 🙂 I often get asked what “method” I use when I work with clients. Sometimes, it is hard for others to understand what I mean when I say I am an Energist and I work with energy! So, here is a nice article that explains Energy for absolute beginners. Enjoy, Elaine http://energy888.org/energy_for_absolute_beginners.htm
I love this image – it sums up so many of us! Do you ever feel like you have a huge weight holding you back from something? Does low confidence or self esteem hold you back from living your life to the max? Do you shy away from public speaking or speaking in front of…
http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-stress-affects-your-brain-madhumita-murgia Let’s Begin… Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it’s continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size,…
Hi, I’m Elaine. I know first hand what it is like to feel stressed…be stressed…and get annoyed that I am stressed and not know how to not be stressed!! I know what it’s like to live in a life of tiredness….brain fog…stressed body…grumpy…pains & aches…and irritable or angry over small issues. I know what it’s…